With Earth Day just around the corner, these seeds bombs are the perfect activity that we found from Vicki on her blog: How we Play we Learn. They are so simple to make - you only need three things - paper, water and seeds!

Laci Bellora x Becky Strawder
What a cute idea to make seed bombs that look like mini Planet Earths by using blue, white and green paper, but you can use any paper - just make sure it does not contain plastic so that it will break down properly in the soil.
To make these, you will need:
Colored paper
Packets of wildflower seeds
Start by tearing up the paper and keep them separate in three different bowls. Cover with some water and leave it to absorb completely - it will take about half an hour.
Put one color of paper into a blender and blitz thoroughly until it forms a wet pulp. If you find it doesn't blend very well you can always add a little more water. (A grown-up is needed for this part!). Do this for each color paper.
Next, decide which seeds you want to add to your seed bomb mix. Vicki suggested these bee-friendly seeds, they include cornflower, borage and poached egg plant.
The next step is to put your seed mixture into the blue bowl and mix up really well. This is the part that your hands messy so it is a great chance to talk about seeds and how they turn into flowers. Even the littles of ears will learn from this!
Once it is mixed well, you can scoop up a small amount of the blue pulped paper and seed mixture (around the size of a large marble) and round them up into balls.
Now it's time to make them look like Earth - remember, perfection is not the goal - having fun is! Take smaller pieces of the green and white pulp and press them onto the surface to create the continents and the ice caps. To smooth them out you can roll the balls gently in your hands.
If you're planting in Spring time or doing this as an Earth Day craft like we are this week, you can plant these cute mini Earths right away, and enjoy beautiful flowers all summer long.
They will also keep for a long time, so you can hold on to them, or give them as a lovely eco gift (maybe hold on to them for Mothers Day!)
Have you heard of 'guerilla gardening'?? Pop your seed bombs in a public space for everyone to enjoy as a nice surprise.
We are making these seed bombs on Earth Day for one of our member events. Looking for a community of mamas + kiddos for weekly playdates along side workout classes designed for all stages of motherhood? We have you covered - grab a free class and more information about FIT4MOM East Tampa here.
Check out more crafty ideas from Vicki on her blog at How We Play and Learn and follow her on Instagram here.